10/30/1848 - Suffrage for Supper

Monday 10/30/48

Dear Reader,

    Yesterday, as usual, Fay and Sewell were here for Sunday supper--this time joined by Jacob and Delia Ackler. You might remember Delia? She's one of Henry Getman's girls. Well--while last week's gathering centered on that promised discussion on planting hops--more on that later-- yesterday's hit upon politics and the upcoming presidential election. 
    Throughout the meal, quiet conversation centered on the weather and the merits of the preacher's sermon. After the meal over coffee--things changed--and the Getman's stay was cut short.
    Seems that Delia and her elderly 65 year old mother, Caty, went to that women's meeting in Seneca Falls this past July and now Delia is passing out some propaganda sheet they signed about getting the vote for women. She didn't bring the pamphlet with her to the table but she did bring the topic. 
    Last Sunday as anticipated, Mother spoke about her reservations at being in the "spirits business". Truth be told, she did so with quiet grace. In the end however, the men-folk calmly determined it best to try the crop.
    In contrast, Father heatedly ended all discussion of Delia's topic by declaring the idea of woman voting as, "utterly ridiculous-- preposterous--not worthy of serious consideration--never going to happen --against the will of God--etc." 
    He proceeded to heap another shovelful of hot coals upon the fire when he concluded that, "Delia! A married woman should not be going behind her husband's back to attend such inflammatory meetings. And a woman of your mother's advanced age and elevated station in our community should know better as well."

    At that point, Jacob spoke up in some high dudgeon to announce that his wife and mother-in-law were not the sort of people that would sneak about--in fact he had carried them over to the meeting and had been one of the 32 men who had signed the meeting's Declaration of Sentiments.

    So saying, he graciously thanked Mother for the meal, took his wife by the arm and escorted her to his carriage.

    Father retired to the sitting room to smoke his pipe and fume while I stayed at table to finish my coffee. 

    Strangely, Mother didn't seem upset at all but rather busied herself in cleaning up with a distant look in her eye and some soft contented singing from which I caught the words of a hymn,

wrestle and fight and pray:
tread all the powers of darkness down,
and win the well-fought day."

I thought of talking with her on the matter, but then thought better of it.  Perhaps  later..

Your Perplexed Correspondent,

Chauncey Sherman Seckner

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Friend Chauncey, the world is certainly changing rapidly, isn't it? I cannot be sure whether the new direction is a positive or negative motion. Myself, I find the women's clamoring for the vote a bit perplexing and quite a bit upsetting! Why, what will they want next? To run for political office, to enter the professions, to work outside the home for a salary? No wonder your dear Father felt such wroth! At some point we will all have to decide whether we will side with the Getman ladies and gents or with your wise Father. Your supper that evening was certainly not as tasty as you might have hoped. I trust that this disagreement will not lead to any estrangement between your home and that of the Getmans. Let's turn the conversation to hops farming instead. Ever your friend, L. O.