11/07/1848 - Presidential Election 1848

             The name of this song is "OH! SUSANNA" by Stephen Foster from 1848.  American Folk Music.

Tuesday, November 7, 1848

Dear Reader,
Went into Winfield today to cast my vote for president. For the first time, all 30 states have voted on the same day so it may take a long time to count all the results.
            Presidential politics have been all the talk for the past couple months. But we had to put a stop to the topic at the (Masonic) Winfield Lodge last month as things got a bit too heated. Thought some of the men were going to come to blows.
            As part of the business of the meeting, we took up a collection for Mrs. Clapsaddle. She was recently left alone when her young husband was killed in a hunting accident. Mother, in her usual anxiety to get me married, has suggested I make my existence known to the grieving widow as she has over 200 acres of rich bottom land and a herd of healthy Holsteins. Such is the case, but she also has a brood of three young-uns under the age of five.
            We concluded the meeting with the induction of Josiah Eckler who having reached his 18th birthday and asked to be admitted to the Lodge. He is now an apprentice as he got 100% favorable vote by the members.
            After the meeting, his brother, Martin, told me of watching an outdoor Whig rally over in Utica. He said most of the speakers for (Zachery) Taylor were awfully dull except for one - the homeliest man he'd ever laid eyes on - a Mr. Abraham Lincoln.
            In the end, I believe that most of the farmers in the valley will have, as usual, voted for the Democratic Party and our candidate, Mr. Lewis Cass.
            They say President Polk has failed in health in the past few months. The war with Mexico hurt our party and must have ruined his health as well. But in the end - his war left us with thousands of additional acres of territory for our nation. But he also left us with the vexing question of whether that territory will be slave or free.
            Our party has been dangerously split on this issue; many of our members have left us to join the new third party that formed for the main purpose of keeping the new lands free of slavery.
            This past June, they held their convention in Utica and nominated our eighth past president Mr. (Martin) Van Buren as their candidate. I fear that Mr. Van Buren's Free Soil Party has taken votes from our Democratic party and given the Whigs a way into the White House.
            Mother has become more bold in speaking of things other than my marriage prospects at the supper table. This past Sunday she opined that if she, "as a mere woman", were allowed to vote, she would put her mark on Mr. Van Buren's column to "rid our blessed nation from the horrible scourge of slavery."
            Father rolled his eyes and later lectured me on the "obvious single-mindedness of women which made any attempt to let them vote dangerous to the very fabric of the nation."
            I have not given too much thought to the slavery issue. There are very few men in the surrounding counties who are slave owners and I don't know we should be telling the southern farmers how to do their business. I will have to study on the subject as I believe it will continue to well up in future elections.

Your Devoted Correspondent,

Chauncey Sherman Seckner

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